More Fun with Husk Tomatoes!

As mentioned in a previous post, the husk tomato tastes sweet like a ripe cherry. These bursting little spheres are a bite-sized conundrum. Imagine a tomato that lacks that characteristic bitter flavor that makes a tomato a tomato and that pretty much sums up how one of these little suckers tastes.

Now, these delicious morsels are divine by themselves, but D and I have inquisitive foodie minds. So we decided to experiment with them -- by adding cheese... and, then, baking them like turnovers.
D dashed across the street to grab the missing ingredient: frozen puff pastry.
Originally, the plan was to bake the husk tomatoes in puff pastry. (Yum.) But, alas, our bodega's limited frozen dessert selection forced us to settle for the next best thing: Pillsbury Grands Biscuits.

I separated the biscuits as per the directions. But, the pre-cut proportions were too thick. Our poor little tomatoes would be swallowed in dough. So, we improvised. I divided the "Grands" once again, length-wise. Now, we'd have twice as many biscuits.
(Score! Left-overs for tomorrow's breakfast!)
Then, we rolled the mozzarella slices around the little yellow-green orbs and added salt and pepper to taste. We plopped each bundle onto its designated mini-Grand. Then, baked according to the directions on the obliterated air-sealed Pillsbury tube.
Approximately twenty minutes later:
Husk Tomato & Mozzarella Popovers!

mmmm that looks scrumptious...